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17 Major Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes to avoid in blogging

Mistakes to avoid in blogging

Perfectionism keeps people away from initiating any new idea they get. The same is the case with blogging. Most people keep themselves away from blogging because they think they are not perfect in one way or the other and there is a chance of blogging mistakes. Remember nobody is perfect at blogging. People are making too many major mistakes in blogging that causes low blog popularity over the Internet and fail to get good traffic for their blogs. Here are 10 Blog statistics every Blogger must Know. However, new bloggers can get success in blogging by avoiding the mistakes we are going to discuss below. Avoiding mistakes at an earlier stage of blogging also be helpful as you will suffer less as your blog grows.

Are you serious about blogging and want to make it your full-time job?

I learned this thing after a long time of blogging and still some need improvement. So thought I should share these mistakes with you so that you can minimize them at the initial stage of your blog if you are making it. Here are 17 SEO Tools every Blogger must know.

Here are 16 major blogging mistakes to avoid at the beginning.

1. Business or Hobby:

There are two types of bloggers I have met so far. One is blogging just as a hobby or for fun. The second type of blogger has a blog to get some financial ads and extra money from it. Some people really want to make money with a blog but pretend that they are doing it for fun or as a hobby, that’s not the right thing. If you want to take financial benefits from your blog, treat it in the right way. Treating a blog as a hobby rather than a business is a major mistake. If you treat your blog as a hobby, you wouldn’t continue it for a longer duration. Treat your blog as a business and search for new ways to get some extra money from it will give you inspiration for blogging along with financial benefits.

2. Planning:

Planning is necessary before trying any new idea. In the same way, blogging also required planning. Planning can help you stay consistent in the blog-sphere. Pre-planned and step-by-step actions make everything easier to follow and its implementation also become easier.

3. Perfectionism:

Once again I would like to repeat that no one is perfect in blogging or any other field of practical life or a life on the internet. Everyone makes mistakes at the beginning but it doesn’t mean you will stop trying something new. Practice makes a man perfect and mistakes make give us a lesson that can’t get from anywhere.

4. Blog Title:

The blog title is the first impression upon the visitors and your blog readers. Make it simple, unique, and attractive. A bad blog title leads to a bad user experience and remarks. Here, at this time I will give you an example of my blog “Ideal inspiration”. It is simple, unique, and easy to read. The name itself gives inspiration to a reader.

Do you know How to write a perfect Blog Post?

5. Comparison:

Comparing your blog with others is not a healthy option for your blog. You don’t know who is behind a blog you are comparing with. There could also be many people behind a blog and there’s also possible that the person behind a blog you are comparing with is very much experienced and professional. So never too much compare your blog to other blogs. Compare your blog only to get some new ideas and to avoid mistakes in blogging.

6. Investment:

Paying too much for your blog at the beginning is not a good option. In the beginning, avoid purchasing an expensive domain name and hosting. Blogging is a long-term business and it takes time to affect. Invest only the money you are not needed by that time. You can’t easily make enough income from it at the initial stage, so must keep in mind the upcoming financial requirements for your blog. It could be SEO, storage requirements, Digital marketing, and content marketing, etc. You might also be interested in the Top 20 Blog Topics that Make more Money in 2020.

7. Actions:

Too much thinking without taking action can’t help you to become a successful blogger. Blogging required too much effort at the initial stage. Therefore, take action as soon as you get an idea. For example, you got an idea of a blog post on any specific topic, take immediate action, write it down somewhere, otherwise, you will miss that idea within no time. In the same way, if your blog required some actions and settings, do it as the first priority. Don’t waste your time by just keeping it in mind without taking any action.

8. Blog Post Title:

If you are having a nice blog title it’s good otherwise you can create your own. Then comes the number of blog posts titles. The title of a post also has a unique beauty in it. It is as important as your blog title. The blog post title might also be interesting and unique that attracts visitors to click on it. Good titles of a post always have a higher click-through rate. Here is a list of 50 Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas for you.

9. No Images:

Images and Infographics add beauty to a blog. Therefore, one must use at least two to three images and Infographics in every single post. Images and Infographics increase user interest and make a post attractive. Also, visual images and Infographics make things clearer and easy to understand. Here is How to Create Perfect SEO Content.

10. Actions:

Too much thinking without taking action can’t help you to become a successful blogger. Blogging required too much effort at the initial stage. Therefore, take action as soon as you get an idea. For example, you got an idea of a blog post on any specific topic, take immediate action, write it down somewhere, otherwise, you will miss that idea within no time. In the same way, if your blog required some actions and settings, do it as the first priority. Don’t waste your time by just keeping it in mind without taking any action.

11. Reader Avatar:

Reader Avatar is also called (Reader profiles or Personas). A Reader Avatars is very effective and helpful for a blog. It is a detailed description of a person who loves your blog, book, stories, etc. This specific person has a name, an age, an identity, and a job, etc. Reader avatar will have a positive effect on your blog visitors. Here is a way to create a Reader Avatar for your Blog.

Reader Avatar

12. SEO:

Only writing and publishing a post is not enough. It will need some extra effort from you. Not having a good SEO strategy can never help your blog get good ranks in search engines. SEO is important to rank your blog or website in search engines. Here are the 10 most common On-Page SEO issues. It is also necessary to fulfill SEO requirements at the beginning because at a later stage it becomes a challenge to implement these tactics. Managing large content will be a challenge for you and you won’t be able to cover them all. If you are having queries about SEO visit the Top 5 Most Important SEO Tips for Beginners.

13. Keywords a Major Blogging Mistake:

Focusing on the selected keywords throughout your writing is very essential. As it is the part of SEO but it is also a part of your writing and has an impact on your content writing. Selecting the right keyword and using it at the right place may increase your search rankings and can double up your blog traffic. Here are the Top 10 Tips to Select Keywords for a Website. The main keyword must be present in your blog Title, Meta description tags, and blog post titles and also in the body tags of your blog post. Although keywords for every blog post change accordingly, so it must relate to the main idea of your blog.

14. Categories:

Having no categories for blogs is also one of the major mistakes. People love to read in different categories and make a search by selecting categories. For example, if you are having a blog on WordPress, you can select as many categories as required for a single post. But keep in mind these categories must be related to the topic and the content. You can easily add and remove categories from time to time.

15. Traffic Monitoring as a Blogging Mistake:

If you are having a blog or you’re interested in a long time blogging and treating it as a business, then you must monitor your traffic. Not monitoring your traffic is a major mistake. For a blog, you might have traffic from different websites, blogs, and other social media sites. So if you monitor your blog traffic, you can easily increase it further with the least effort.

16. Create Ideas List to Avoid Blogging Mistakes:

If you are not creating an ideas list, you are missing something wonderful. Ideas list can help you remember things and topics for your upcoming blog posts and will have so many benefits for your blog. Write down every idea at the earliest in the list and later on, you can work on it. List making is very easy nowadays. In today’s digital world you don’t need a notebook or pencil to write these ideas, but instead, you can write them on your personal cell phone which has made it easier to sort out later on.

17. Content Creation Mistake:

Write your own and perfect content and write for people. Search what people are interested in and what people love to read. Don’t just write what you love and what you are interested in. You can search on Google Trends and can get an idea. Also, you can take an idea from keyword research. After completing an article recheck it for any grammatical mistake or any mistake as it leads to a bad user experience.

Have you created your own blog?

If not, never wait for the good time to come, just start your own blog today. If you are having a good idea to write about, make a plan and take action the time will automatically be set for you. Start a blog with these easy and simple steps.

For complete details please visit How to start a blog and make money with a blog in 2020.

If you are a beginner and not a tech person I would like to suggest that WordPress is best for you. It’s easy to use and manage and even you can start and create your own free blog at WordPress. Wish you a very happy and blessed blog journey. You might also be interested in;

Top 15 SEO mistakes to avoid as a Blogger.

Are you also making any of these mistakes?

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