Personality Development


How to Deal with a Negative Person & Stay Positive

“He who hugs a good tree, a good shade covers him.” You may have probably heard this phrase thousands of times, but are not aware that we put it into practice often. It is true that this saying is very right. Well, the people around you have a great influence on you and can modify your behavior in a positive or negative way. How to deal with negative people? Negative...

How to Improve Memory: What Causes Memory Loss

Many of us think that our memory is innate and we do nothing to improve it. We don’t appreciate its importance until it starts to fail us. However, it is very important that we are aware of the fundamental role it plays in our day-to-day lives. Our memory is what defines who we are: our feelings, experiences and memories. Without memory, we would have no way of remembering the names,...

Self-Acceptance: How to Accept Yourself for who you are and Be Happy

How to accept yourself is one of the most important things you must learn in life! The fact that perhaps your parents or colleagues did not admit you, as you are since childhood, criticized you or compared you with other people, may be the ‘hidden’ causes that you cannot accept yourself either. However, this is a situation that you should not learn to live in. To change the important thing...

The 3 Keys to Self-Discovery

What is Self-Discovery: Begin your True-Self Journey

Have you ever wondered, how well you know yourself? “Self-discovery” Who are you? “Oh, I think this is easier to answer,” but is it really so? Who are you or who am I really? It’s easy to assume that we have a true knowledge of ourselves, but have we really questioned ourselves? I think the answer would be “No” for most. We are all programmed to grow to protect ourselves...

Soft Skills

What are Soft Skills, their Importance and How they’re Developed

Soft skills, also known as common skills, are the skills that are desirable in personal and professional life. These are the attributes or characteristics of a person that allow him to interact with others effectively, which is generally focused to work, certain aspects of it, or even daily life. They are not just a particular ingredient, but they are the result of a combination of social skills, communication, way of...