How to Write a Killer Blog Post in 30 Minutes

In my opinion, blogging is not that easy to do. But it can be made easier with the usual practices. To streamline your blog writing, there are no shortcuts other than continuous writing and reading. It will feel difficult until you enter the writing method. After all, it will be easier to write a blog post faster with practice. Another thing is that it is not about learning from lectures or simple classes. Making your blog faster is standard practice.

Focus on quality, not quantity. Even one really good post can be business or life-changing. So my advice is to do some solid research and take your time to invest in each article.

In general, to write fast you have to know the subject very well and look for 500-word articles, the smaller ones are quite bad for SEO.

On a more serious note, it’s never about how fast you can write a blog post, it’s about how you’ve researched your blog posts, the topic you’re covering, and how in-depth you want to write about a particular piece of content.

First, ask yourself what is the motive behind writing your post. Once you find the answer, you will be in better shape to write quality posts. From my personal experience, the more familiar you are with the topic you’re writing about, the faster you’ll finish the post. Here’s How to start a blog and make money with it.

But if you’re looking to write quality blog posts fast, here are some tips we are going to share with you:

  • You need to know your subject very well.
  • You need to have your research prepared.

Once you know what you’re going to write about, create a summary of your entire blog post.

Once you have your Outline ready, you will notice that the amount of time you spend writing will decrease dramatically.

How to Write a Blog Post fast
How to Write a Blog Post fast (Image from Unsplash)

Here are some more tips:

  • Enter browser mode free of distractions
  • Turn off your phone
  • Close your door
  • Have a couple of cups of coffee
  • Get a pencil and paper (helps write things down)
  • Close any other tabs etc. (It’ll be better to turn off the internet)

If you follow all of the above, I can assure you that you will see an improvement of at least 30-60% in the time you spend per post, maybe more depending on your skills, typing speed, and much more…

First of all, I would like to say that blogging is a must to promote your brand or business today. It is a good idea to write blogs often. As for how fast, well, that depends on how much you have to say. When I blog, it usually takes me about 30 minutes to write a decent blog.

I’m a writer and I keep a log of ideas. Because I keep track of ideas, when I sit down to write a blog, I usually know what points I’m going to make so it doesn’t take too long. You must also check 7 Things You Must Have to Start a Blog.

4 Ways to write a Blog fast:

Keep a journal of ideas about topics to write about. Ideas are everywhere.

Do some reading or research on your topic before taking a start.

Think of 5–6 important points to make on your blog.

Start your blog with one of your ideas log topics, include your background or research information, make 5–6 good points, and you’re good to go.

If you follow this method, you should be able to write a blog in about 20-30 minutes. That is fast.

I’ve written/published about 650 unique blog posts, mostly between 2 of my blogs, so you definitely get into a groove after the first couple dozen. It helps significantly when you start using a consistent structure in your blog posts, or various templates based on the type of post you are making. You may have a different structure/template for opinion posts, technical posts, long-form, etc. It could be as simple as Intro Paragraph – 5 Body Paragraphs – Concluding Paragraph.

I’m not saying make your blog posts cookie-cutter, but consistency will help increase your speed, while also setting you apart as a blogger. You have your own writing style that your readers will expect. Sharing and distributing your blog posts on social media and other viable websites will also speed up with practice and an overall game plan.

You always want to improve your formatting, user experience, SEO, and writing skills over time. So your structures/templates will evolve over time, and you may need to update previous popular posts for this reason. Here are the 17 Major Blogging Mistakes to Avoid as a professional blogger.

My Secret to Writing a Blog Post Faster:

I will give you my biggest blogging secret. This is literally my biggest secret on how I manage to write content quickly and effectively on multiple blogs.

I have never said this to anyone.

So, it’s pretty simple. I bet it’s simpler than you expect me to say.

So here it goes.

First things first, you need to address and speak to your audience on a personal level. We’ll get back to this in a second.

Then you will have an idea about what is the topic of the blog post you are about to write.

You may also like 30 Things Every Blog Post Should Have Before Hitting the Publish Button.

Install speech-to-text software on your computer. Start Microsoft Word or whatever software you want to “write” with. You’re not going to write much.

With the software running and your cursor sitting on the white canvas of your text editor, sit in a chair or wherever you feel comfortable.

Now imagine yourself and a friend at a bar having a beer or meeting up for coffee. Just something cozy and relaxing, without formalities.

All you have to do now is close your eyes and just tell your friend (the speech-to-text software) everything about the blog post topic that you would tell him if you were in person. Don’t think about how formal or informal it is. Just tell him everything they would need to know about that topic.

What you’ll end up with is a pretty personal text blob. Some will be good, but other parts will be a bit like a dog’s dinner. But order it, restructure it, make it shine.

It will take time to polish, but you’ll find that it’s much quicker and more personal than it would be if you manually typed every word.

I hope that helps.

So this was all about how to write a blog post quickly and professionally. Never ever compromise on quality, provide well-researched and quality content to your readers. If your typing speed is above 50 or 60 and you have great knowledge ideas. If you have a good traffic blog, you can write a quick post but it is not important, the main thing is that users are attentive and they will see this.

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