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12 Unconscious Female Body Language Signals of Attraction



Secret Body Language Signals of Attraction:

Her eyes, her body movements, and the way she smiles at you are symbols that she likes you.

Non-verbal communication responds to our animal instincts. Precisely for this reason, it is so easy to lie and so difficult to hide our feelings with our body, and our face. Our species needs to continuously communicate and connect with the body. Certainly, emotions are the only universal language. Men’s and women’s bodies communicate the feeling of “infatuation” in different ways.

“Oh, God, don’t make me misunderstood,” sang the Animals in “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood,” a phrase that millions of individuals from all over the world could utter during their nights out in search of the company of another sex or a mere time of fun when despite putting all the effort possible, communication between both sexes regarding flirting is so complicated that it leads to violent situations (I thought you liked it), when not directly humiliating for the one who has dared to step forward.

So we need to be armed with a little pocket guide to decipher the intentions of our potential partners and avoid those traumatic episodes that we have all experienced. Is such a thing possible? The truth is that women are much harder to decipher than men: according to a study, the signs that men emit to show their interest in the other person are barely ten, while in the women’s repertoire, there are nearly 50 different ones, much more subtle and, therefore, less obvious to the naked eye.

Here are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nonverbal Communication.

5 Common Body Language Signals:

Leaning forward: Leaning forward is a posture that indicates that we are interested in the other person. But this does not mean that it is completely impossible to anticipate the other person’s intentions. Proxemics, a term used by anthropologist Edward T. Hall to talk about the distances that separate people in different social situations, can help us understand it.

Eye contact: A man or woman who constantly seeks the gaze of the person who interests him in order to connect. In the case of men, the “inverted pyramid” look is common, because if they really feel an interest in sex, they will not be able to avoid lowering their gaze to the woman’s lips.

Genuine smile: Smiling continuously in the presence of the person you love is a way in which the body communicates love. Now, the real smile is one that involves muscle contractions in the cheekbones, wrinkles, or “crow’s feet” in the eyes and the corners of the lips are raised on both sides symmetrically. With a genuine smile, you don’t smile with your mouth alone; a loving smile activates your entire face.

Image from: Unsplash (Michael Dam@michaeldam)

Invasion of personal space: The man in love will seek to get closer little by little, more than what is socially allowed to the woman he wishes to conquer. This will validate how comfortable she feels with the intimacy between the two of you. If the woman opens her personal space with the correct signs such as a smile or lack of body locks in the arms or feet, he will feel even more encouraged to continue the conquest.

Small details: A man who genuinely likes a woman will look for any excuse to make physical contact with her, sometimes almost imperceptibly. An example of this can be: quickly touching the knee while they are sitting talking or adjusting her hair if the wind has covered her face. Here is Interpersonal Relationships: Definition, Types, and Importance.

The axes of attention of humans are divided into three fractions of the body. The first axis is in the chest, the second in the feet and the third in the face. If a man or woman has the three axes of attention aligned to the axes of the person of interest then he is giving all his attention and energy. This is a powerful key to identifying attraction.

Also kinesics (the meaning of body movements) or the analysis of body language, since books such as The Body Language of Flirting, Dating and Romance by Raymond C. McGraime, Secrets of Sexual Body Language by Martin Lloyd-Elliott or Body Language Secrets: A Guide During Courtship and Dating by R. Don Steele. From this bibliography, we discover a series of signs that we must pay attention to if we want to know the intentions of that woman that interests us.

The 12 Unconscious Female Body Language Signals of Attraction:

If she preps in front of you: Pushing the hair out of the face, licking the lips to hydrate them, or putting on Vaseline or lipstick are attitudes at first unconscious that suggest that the woman is interested in the other person, so she is quick to make sure that her look is flawless. Does your suitor not mind that you see her disheveled, dressed in any way, and without makeup? Bad news:

If she leans her body towards you: When we are sitting at the table in a restaurant or we are next to a bar counter, leaning towards the other person indicates that we are receptive to what they have to offer us. And if, on the contrary, we lean back (let alone cover our faces or place our arms in front of us) we will be adopting a reserved and distant attitude.

If her feet point to you: We tend to adopt postures in which our feet are directed towards that area of the room to which we want to go, which means that pointing your feet at another person means that you are curious about them, but if your potential partner has turned their feet to the door of the bar, it is because they want to shoot out as soon as possible. Dolls are one of the most sensitive parts of the female body.

If she moves her lips: One of the unconscious signs of courtship for women is to move the lips or draw your attention to them, through a long series of actions, ranging from simple “sniffing” to continually drinking from a glass, going through chewing of slow way.

If she rolls up her arms: According to a study, wrists are one of the most sensitive parts of a woman’s body, and rolling up the sleeves indicates that a particularly intimate part of her is being exposed (although it may not seem like it). Nudity of the forearms may be just the first step on the path to total nudity.

If her pupils are dilated: When a person feels sympathy or interest in something or someone, their pupils automatically begin to dilate. So in addition to making the ever-helpful eye contact to build a bond, the eye test can help us find out whether or not a woman is interested in us.

If her breasts point to you: Let’s explain this, as we don’t want it to lead to confusion. As with dolls, the breasts are one of the most sensitive parts of the female body and, specifically, one of the most suitable for protection. This means that, while crossing the arms in front of them is a symptom of the need for protection, presenting a body posture in which the chest stands out to the eye shows us the way forward.

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If she raises her eyebrows: It is a gesture that indicates that we have our eyes open to what we have in front of us, as well as that we are curious and predisposed. There is one exception, of course: the raising of the eyebrows occurs in response to an indecent proposition. In that case, it does not mean interest; it means that you must go back the way you came.

When you do not look away in short distances: It is one of the questions that makes every man lose sleep:

When to launch into kissing a woman while minimizing the risk that she will withdraw her face when doing so?

Some experts point out that it is relatively permissible to launch if two factors are met.

The first is that; the distance between the two faces is close, that is, you have exceeded the limits of what is socially acceptable with a friend or partner.

The second is that; the gaze between the two of them is maintained for a more or less prolonged period of time without either looking away. See if she makes strategic moves to get to your side.

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If she imitates you: We end up adopting the same gestures as those people we consider interesting, influential, or seductive. So, if we see ourselves reflected in the woman we are interested in, we are surely on the right track. It can also happen in the case where, for example, we grasp the fork or the glass at the same time. Be careful though: it might just be that you’re hesitating.

If she touches you: In a non-sexual way, it is understood, because then why would we need this advice? Proxemics points out that we tend to be closer to those people with whom we feel comfortable. So, see if in a bar they make strategic movements to be next to you and we want to establish a relationship. At the same time, we avoid gestures such as crossing our arms (if this happens, you have no chance).

When you win in the comparison: Perhaps all the above points do not say anything by themselves, since it may be that a woman is outgoing enough to do everything previously listed with any man who crosses your path. So, see how he behaves with others and think about how he behaves with you. Maybe it’s just like that, maybe you’ve succeeded.

Keys to non-verbal communication that reveal a woman in love are also: the continuous play with her hair while smiling and making eye contact with the man. She caresses her skin gently while conversing with the man of her interest; it is a form of earlier flirtation. Similarly, if a woman likes a man, she will seek to touch him with some excuse, such as fixing his tie or cleaning a feather on his jacket.

In conclusion, body language is much more powerful than all the conquering words when communicating love and receiving it as genuine. Non-verbal communication is a rudimentary form of animal communication and that (I would say) is equivalent to 97% of the impact of any message and will always be the most important communication strategy when expressing an “I love you”.

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