body language list

Body language for Leaders

Leadership Skills: 10 Body Language Tips for Leaders

In work teams where commitment, loyalty, and productivity are essential, especially leaders must have wide control over their body language in order to transmit the correct messages: we must not lose sight of the fact that each gesture can strengthen or diminish the impact of a verbal message. A leader with good body language representation positively impacts his personality. In short, one of the most important tool in business communication...

How to make a good impression with your body language

Body Language Tips: How to Make a Good First Impression in Public

Effective and professional communication lies not only in the words (spoken) but also in the value of the image you represent with your body language. An entrepreneur communicates a lot about himself through his physical presence, his body posture and his image. For this reason, many entrepreneurs are encouraged to take a public speaking course in order to have greater coherence between the spoken message and the body message. What...