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Leadership Skills: 10 Body Language Tips for Leaders

In work teams where commitment, loyalty, and productivity are essential, especially leaders must have wide control over their body language in order to transmit the correct messages: we must not lose sight of the fact that each gesture can strengthen or diminish the impact of a verbal message. A leader with good body language representation positively impacts his personality. In short, one of the most important tool in business communication is the body language for leaders.

Impact of Body language in Communication:

Body language has a great impact in personal communication. It is indeed a potent tool if it is used correctly, especially in leadership. A leader must have full control over his body language for better communication. He must be well aware of all his gestures and posters in business meetings and group discussions. It must be kept in mind that each and every moment of a leader is observed and noticed by every member of his team. So, along with other soft skills, he must also show good body language representation.

Body language for Leaders

In today’s article, we’re going to share 10 body language tips that might be helpful for you as a good communicator and leader in business. These are:

1. Open and relaxed posture:

This is essential to have a good presence and to show a confident impact over the interlocutor during a conversation. The key is to keep your head straight, shoulders back, and knees slightly bent.

2. Smile:

Maintain a genuine smile accompanied by half-closed but bright eyes. Let the “crow’s feet” show, a genuine smile shows happiness and is attractive! It makes a conversation healthier and more meaningful. A smile may also show that you’re interested and want to continue the conversation.

3. Mirror the other person:

An empathic exercise in body language for leaders consists of emulating the other person in their posture and tone of voice, without trying to imitate them as a joke, but recognizing if they speak slowly or quickly, their expressions, the way they look, and their gestures. It is about getting in tune with the other.

4. Quick touch:

A light touch on the arm or shoulder can generate sympathy and like with the other person. However, do not abuse or prolong contact, as this can lead to misunderstandings. Longer touch or contact during a conversation shows a very bad impression on the interlocutor. So try to avoid it or only use it where required.

5. Eye Contact:

Eye contact is one of the most powerful and needed things in any type of communication. A basic point of body language for leaders is to maintain eye contact, accompanied by a genuine smile. But remember that, don’t do it for a long time, as the other person may feel uncomfortable.

6. Turn your body towards the other person:

For better understanding and healthy conversation, you need to turn your body towards the other person, this shows that you are interested in the conversation and giving your full attention.

7. Open hand gestures:

Show your hands as a symbol that you are not hiding anything: using gestures and expressions with open hands speaks of frankness and honesty. There are different uses of the hands to show certain ideas: a clenched fist speaks of decision while speaking with the hands pointing to the chest denotes that it is a personal experience.

8. Short breaks:

A few seconds of pause add a bit of drama, especially regarding a personal question. It is important to do this to show that one doesn’t deliver the easiest answers to the slightest provocation.

9. Nod to show confidence:

This action strengthens an existing opinion, forming a connection with the interlocutor. This also shows that you are paying attention to the other person.

10. Avoid nervous movements:

We all get nervous, but in body language for leaders, it is very important to avoid restless movements that denote insecurity. If this aspect is difficult for you, a technique that works well is to carry an object (a small ball, for example) that makes you feel more comfortable when speaking: hold it in your hand or look at it for a few seconds when you pause. Self-confidence is a very important tool you must have during a conversation as a leader.

So, these were the 10 body language tips you should keep in mind and follow during a conversation to become an impactful leader.

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