albert mehrabian’s 7-38-55 rule
Knowing body language do’s and don’ts might be very beneficial in a job interview. Job Interview is always challenging and a headache for applicants looking for a job. Correct body language in an interview is vital for candidates to appear charming and proficient. However, it’s not an easy task. But in addition to professional qualifications, the personal impression is the most important prerequisite for employment. Usually, everyone comes to an...
What do you say: Does a Romantic Relationship also have Body Language Secrets? Body Language plays a vital role in a romantic relationship. Body language of attraction or body language to attract a woman or a man is an interesting subject in studying psychology. It is just something that we (almost everyone) use in our daily lives. Body language is what people convey through movements or gestures, which fully reveal...
What is Nonverbal Communication? Nonverbal communication refers to gestures, facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, posture, eye contact, and other ways people can communicate without using verbal/oral language. As humans, we have the advantage and the ability to communicate with others to convey our thoughts. However, many times we neglect the non-verbal signals of our body. According to experts, 70 to 93% of human communication is through the body...
Body language is an important factor in communication than we often think. According to various studies, it is so important that about 93% of what we transmit in a conversation is non-verbal communication. Body language tips and skills can be the most powerful tool if used correctly and wisely in all types of conversation, especially virtual communication. What is Body Language? Body language is actually the non-verbal communication we speak...
Body language is of core importance in communication. The Body language is misleading. A person can say one thing and think something completely different, or consciously deceive the interlocutor with lies. It is considerably more difficult to fool someone with body language since much of the body language expressions happen unconsciously. In many people, the facial expression and general posture clearly reveal what they are feeling. It can easily be...
Body language encompasses all the conscious and unconscious signals of the body that give information about the emotional state or the intentions of a person. Did you know that 55% of the message we want to convey is achieved through nonverbal gestures and postures? So, it is important that you recognize the signals that the body gives when starting a conversation to be able to discern when they tell you...