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SEO Statistics Results and Facts

SEO Statistics Results and Facts A Complete Guide to SEO Beginners. SEO Statistics prove the Power of Search results and daily Internet surfing. We write and publish content in order to read out by readers. To rank a website in Google, a good SEO strategy should always be our first priority. When it comes to being found online, organic search is the best source. From the very first day of search engine creation, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has been a powerful strategy to ensure that our services get noticed by the true user, at the right time. While the Business development strategy has shifted from physical involvement to online over the years, SEO is essential for online marketing success. The top 5 most important SEO Tips for Bloggers.

Good SEO takes dedication and requires time from you and also requires a bit of expertise. This article is very interesting to me; I’m enjoying it while writing. I also expect the same from you. Because there are facts that we face in our daily Internet usage but including me, only a few will notice this. These facts as writers are very necessary for all of us to be aware of. In this blog post, I will just explore the SEO Statistics Facts of Internet usage and online search results. Here are, The 15 Best SEO Tools Every Blogger Must Know.

SEO Statistics Results and Facts:

1. Online Experience:

Search engines enable us to find our desired results online. 93% of online experience begins with search engines. The remaining 7% could be different social media platforms or apps.

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2. Google Market Shares:

Google is the head of all search engines. It is the world’s largest and more accurate search engine. Everyone loves to use Google for their search results. That’s why Google owns 65 – 70 % of search engines market shares. And this is indeed a very large figure.

3. Organic Clicks:

The Organic search is one of the best sources that lead you to the specific and required results. Organic Clicks comes from organic results and Organic traffic. Near about 70% of clicks from users are organic search results. Here’s a complete guide on, How to Write Content for SEO.

4. Paid Ads:

I don’t like Ads in my search results. Also, I try to ignore and skip them as much as possible if they are not of my interest. I think you will also be like me because research has proved that 70-80% of users ignore paid Ads. They just scroll down below the ads and try to find their required results. Here’s The Ultimate SEO Checklist for 2020.

5. First Page Statistics:

Google uses an algorithm that lands you at your accurate results. That’s why most people are always satisfied with the first page of search results. Research has shown that 75% of users never scroll the first page of the search results. This shows that SEO is very much important to show your products and services on the first page of search results. Here are the, 6 Top Tools to Check SEO Results.

6. Search Weightage:

I use a search engine whenever I wish to look for something online. Because search engine results give me the best solutions for fulfilling my needs. In the same way, Search is the best driver for a website owner to rank their content in the search engines. Search is always the number one driver of traffic to website content. It is beating social media by more than 300%.

7. Close Rate:

Conversion rate optimization or CRO is the process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take the desired action. According to HubSpot, SEO Leads have a 14.6% close rate(conversion rate). While outbound has a 1.7% close rate.

8. Organic Clicks:

Just like the importance of the first page of search results, Search position is also very much important. Research has proved that 18% of organic clicks go to the 1st searched position means the first searched link. And 10% of organic clicks go to the 2nd searched position. And 7% of organic clicks go to the 3rd searched position. This number decreases gradually as a searcher scrolls below the pages. Here are, The 10 most common On-Page SEO Issues.

These are the few SEO Statistics Facts that I thought you should keep in mind to rank your websites in Google. I hope you have understood the SEO statistics and you will try your best to get good ranks in Google.

Don’t stop your fingers from writing kind feedback!

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