How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Stop comparing yourself to others, Do you compare yourself to other?

Comparing ourselves to others has become a common problem nowadays. This is not the problem with a single person but has become a solution needed problem for every one of us. Comparing yourself to others is not only holds you back in life but also gave birth to criticism and jealousy.

When you compare yourself to others you only keep your weaknesses in your mind and compare them with others. Not a single person will you see around you who compare his strengths to others. I would not be wrong if I say that; this comparison sometimes leads to anxiety and depression. So, do your best to stop comparing yourself to others.

Where do we compare ourselves to others?

We compare ourselves and our lives to others almost everywhere. We live in a world that forces us to constantly compare ourselves to others and compel us to become better than them. Whether we are on a social media platform or looking at our surrounding lifestyles, it is so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to other people.

Time is precious and never wastes in thinking about others. Life is too short to think in the assessment of others. I get worried sometimes:

How do people get free to think of others?

What is distressing about comparing ourselves to others is that when we are caught up in assessment and feeling unworthy we often live congested and hold ourselves back from truly contributing our values to the world. In the midst of all of this comparison, we can forget that our communities, families, friendships, workplaces, and educational institutes are enriched by having all different kinds of people in them. No teamwork or educational environment is improved by having a lot of people who are exactly the same and there is research showing that teams with members from diverse backgrounds produce better work.

Why do we compare ourselves to others?

We compare ourselves to others when we feel unsatisfied and uncomfortable with what we have in life. It could be anything that constantly gives us an alarm of bad feelings.

how to stop comparing yourself to others
Image Source: Unsplash

What happens you compare yourself to others?

When you compare yourself to others, you may start to believe that you need to be exactly the same as someone you admire in order to be good enough or successful. If you try to be just like someone else, the world misses out on the unique values and talents you have to offer.

Imagine if every flower was a rose, or if every tree was a maple tree. The world would feel dull if everything was the same, we encourage and appreciate the diversity in nature, in our entertainment, and throughout our lives but we fail to recall this when we are thinking about ourselves.

Furthermore, when you compare yourself to others, you often end up feeling like you aren’t good enough and you start thinking that if you could just talk like them and look like them then you would be happy, successful, loved, and accepted. In this post, we will help you to understand how comparing yourself to others holds you back in life and will share four simple but powerful steps to identify and start contributing your values to the world.

The way to fight with this comparison is to focus on yourself, your strengths, and the values that you want to contribute to the world. I am going to share four simple steps that will help you get out of the cycle of judgment, assessment, and comparing yourself to others. Here are the 7 Rules for a successful life!

1. Know your Self-worth:

I believe that low self-worth is a cause of comparing ourselves to others. Mind your self-worth. When you compare yourself to others and you end up at the bottom of that comparison, you feel unworthy. Also, when you feel unworthy, you are more likely to compare yourself to others and look for evidence that you need to be like someone else in order to be worthy. Comparing yourself to others can leave you in a cycle of feeling unworthy that’s really challenging to get out of.

2. Identify your Strengths:

As far as I knew, you are strong enough and better than many other people living around you. God has created you special and unique. What you need is to take some time to think about your strengths and worth. Most of the time, our strengths are things that come easily, things we do naturally without thinking about it. Because of this, it can sometimes be difficult to recognize our strengths.

Think about what you are good at Remember that your strengths do not have to be outstanding and that you don’t have to be the best at something to acknowledge your strength or overwhelming in that area.

No doubt, it could be quite challenging for some people to identify their strengths. So, if you are having trouble identifying your strengths, consider talking with your family, a close friend, loved one, or colleague about the positive things and strengths that they see in you.

Stop comparing yourself
Image Source: Unsplash

3. Own your Strengths:

Most of the time people reject their strengths in an attempt to be humble but it doesn’t benefit anyone if they do not hug their strengths. So, when you weaken your values and strengths, you miss out and the world misses out.

Once you have acknowledged some of your strengths I want you to own your strengths without any hesitation. When someone asserts you for your strengths, thank them without rejecting their assertion.

When you have shared your values in a situation and sensed the power of connecting to your strengths, allow yourself to soak in that positive feeling and offer yourself gratitude for how you contributed to the situation. Owning your strengths is not arrogant (conceited); rather it allows your true nature to shine and helps you to connect to the things that make life sustainable and meaningful.

4. Share your Strengths:

Sharing your strengths will give your more self-confidence and power. Once you have recognized your strengths, consider how you would like to share these strengths in the places you are in.

Would you like to offer yourself as a person that colleagues can talk with when they need a listening ear or ask thoughtful questions during a business meeting?

Instead of worrying about the possibility of making a mistake or how others might judge you, see if you can focus on how you want to contribute your strengths and values at work, university, and other situations.

Stop comparing yourself to others:

Remember that you do not need to be perfect to share your values; you can share your strengths and make mistakes. When you transfer your focus from concerns about not being good enough to what you can contribute, you will likely feel more empowered and confident entering that situation.

I hope this blog post has inspired you to get out of the cycle of comparison and move into space where you are owning and sharing your values and strengths with the world. It would be beneficial if you spare some time to note down your strengths start focusing on them. Find the ways how you would like to share your strengths in the places where you live, work, and learn. These calculations will also be helpful during times when you get caught up in comparing yourself because you can return to the list to remember that you do have something to contribute.

So, in the end, I would like to say that if you really want to compare yourself to others, compare it to get inspiration and motivation. Compare your bad habits to others and do your best to change them. Compare yourself to others to bring positivity in your life as well as in the lives of people concerned with you.

In your opinion, why do people compare themselves to others?

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