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How to Increase Organic Traffic in 2023

What is Organic Traffic?

The organic traffic of a web page, blog or e-commerce is all the visits that come from the SERPS (Results that appear in search engines) of a search engine, be it Google, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Bing or any other, and that is not paid traffic.

When it comes to a brand’s websites and social networks, measurement is indispensable. How can you know if you are doing a good job if you do not measure your results? Under this premise, it is necessary for your project to have a solid traffic measurement strategy on its web pages. When you develop the positioning of your online brand you must become an expert in defining, analyzing, and measuring the organic traffic of your website. So below we will tell you everything about it so that you increase your sales.

Organic traffic is a metric that allows you to know the number of visits a website gets through a search engine such as Google. This useful tool is essential in any online campaign, because it allows you to obtain and increase the number of visits to a site, for free and who does not like free? Also, another incredible benefit of organic traffic is the fact that you receive high-value visits: users will come to your product because it is exactly what they are looking for. When you carry out the appropriate study of keywords for your project, it will be these keywords that allow users to find you effectively.

The correct implementation and measurement of organic traffic have as its main purpose (and in turn benefit), the increase in visits and sales of your service or product. Therefore, if you offer a well-positioned website through keywords, you will be able to increase the number of sales in your business by users genuinely interested in what you offer. Organic traffic allows users to reach websites naturally, intuitively, and appropriately. And it is precisely there where its importance lies in your project.

Today there is a wide range of tools to measure the organic traffic of your site, however, it is Google Analytics that leads the fight worldwide. This valuable tool works very easily and quickly to understand. Everything is based on the appropriate configuration and that best suits the information you need to collect: segmentation. It is important to know in depth the potential customer of the brand, their location, age-range and needs, to effectively segment the analysis of organic traffic on our site.

It is essential to define in the most appropriate way possible, as well as to correctly implement all the necessary SEO positioning processes and strategies, based on the different elements that influence the algorithm of Google (or other search engines) when seeking to increase the traffic of a website on a digital level.

Once your potential client and SEO positioning strategies are determined, it is necessary that the contents of your brand be based on the characteristics of these two elements. Therefore, you must not only offer content of value and quality but it must be adjusted to what your users need and are looking for, as well as the keywords under which traffic will be achieved.

Another important element to consider in this regard is analytics, on which much of the weight of organic traffic rests. Monitoring the results will not only allow us to identify where we are in the strategy, but it will also allow us to detect and correct errors and even avoid them before they happen.

How to Increase Organic Traffic in 2023: Image from Unsplash

The correct measurement of the traffic on your websites will also make it easier for your brand to integrate itself to the needs of other types of consumers, thus expanding its market, at any given time. Therefore, dedicate the necessary time to the proper study and the correct implementation of strategies for measuring the organic traffic of your website.

8 Tips to Increase Organic Traffic:

The best way to get more leads and income to improve the performance of your e-commerce is knowing how to increase organic traffic.

Put these 8 tips into practice to increase organic traffic to your website.

1. Optimize your pages for people:

This mistake is usually one of the biggest mistakes companies make when trying to increase organic traffic to their website.

Search engines determine ranking in search results, and many companies try to optimize their websites to appease them.

The reality, however, is that search engines turn to users to help determine how a page ranks.

They analyze metrics that include time spent, pages visited and more, all indicators of how much a user is enjoying your website.

If someone stays on your website for a long time or visits dozens of pages, it is an indication that their content is useful and relevant.

But if it’s not optimized for your audience, you run the risk of bouncing, leading to lower search rankings and less organic traffic.

To avoid this scenario, focus on writing for people.

Writing in a language and style that makes sense to your audience keeps people on your pages for longer.
Writing for people leads to better rankings and as a result helps you increase organic traffic to your website.

2. To increase organic traffic, create a blog:

To increase organic traffic, start by creating a blog.

It is exceptionally beneficial for your business because it helps you reach your target audience and increase the trust and authority of your website.

When you blog, you share valuable insights that your audience wants.

When they search for information with the relevant keyword you are targeting, they can find your website and read your post.

It allows you to attract more potential customers to your pages because you provide them with the useful information they are looking for.

While blogging requires posting quality content regularly, doing so also allows you to drive organic traffic to your website on an ongoing basis.

There are many types of blogs you can create for your business, including:

Regardless of the format of your blog, the fundamental thing is that you provide your visitors with relevant information.

Check which websites are currently ranking the highest for your topic and which keyword they are targeting.

Doing so allows you to get an idea of the type of information that you should post on your blog.

Here are the 30 Things Every Blog Post Should have Before Hitting the Publish Button!

3. Optimize your content for the featured snippet:

If you want to increase organic traffic to your website, optimize your content so that it appears in the featured snippet.

A featured snippet is a box that appears at the top of search results, providing search engines with a direct answer to your query.

How does the featured snippet help you increase organic traffic?

Top organic search result gets 34% of clicks. Adding a featured snippet to it reduces the click-through rate (CTR) of the first position by 8%. This is an indicator that when a featured snippet is present, more people click on it.

Now you are probably wondering, “How do I get the position of the featured snippet?”

There is no clear way to earn a featured snippet position, but there are strategies you can follow to increase your chance of ranking in this spot.

Here are the two main ways to optimize your content for featured snippets:

Use bulleted or numbered lists to answer the query directly.

Bulleted and numbered lists are a great way to achieve featured snippet position.

This does not mean that you fill your page with lists, but that you find the appropriate places to integrate them.

For example, if you’re trying to rank for the query “how to repair your credit,” a bulleted or numbered list of tips is extremely helpful to readers.

In addition, it is essential that you integrate your main keyword in the section you want to optimize so that you have a better chance of winning the place.

4. Integrate relevant keywords on your page:

To increase organic traffic to your website, integrate relevant keywords.

Keywords play an integral role in helping your pages appear in front of relevant potential customers.

Choose the right keywords so that a more qualified and interested audience can find your content.

For example, let’s say you have a small organic cleaning business in your city. There is no point in trying to rank for keywords like “women’s clothing” or “the best dishwashers on the market.” Even if these keywords generate a large amount of traffic, they are not going to increase organic traffic to your website.

Instead, focus on relevant keywords, such as “green industrial cleaners” or “organic cleaning company,” to drive relevant traffic. Since you are ranking on relevant search results, it is likely that you will drive more relevant traffic to your site.

To find the most relevant keywords for your website do some research using keyword research tools.

Finding the right keywords for your business helps you increase organic traffic, generate more clicks and more potential customers interested in your website.

5. Create an attractive title tag and meta description:

To increase organic traffic, create an attractive title tag and meta description. When users search and find your listing in the results, the first thing they see is the title tag and meta description.

If you don’t integrate these two components, you are missing a valuable opportunity to increase organic traffic to your website.

Your title tag and meta description can be the decisive reason for someone to click (or not click) on your search engine results tab.

However, by optimizing these two components, you can get more people to click on your page, thereby increasing organic traffic.

Keep the title tag under 60 characters and embed your main keyword, so that search engines and search engines know that it is relevant.

Make your title tag fun and engaging to encourage clicks.

Write your meta description within 160 characters. Also, integrate your main keyword and make sure it gives your audience an idea of what to expect on your page.

6. Share your web pages on social networks:

By relying solely on SEO strategies to increase organic traffic, you are missing out on other valuable methods that help you generate more traffic.

Social media marketing offers you another great opportunity to drive users to your website by linking to blog posts or article pages.

Share your pages on your business social media to help you increase organic traffic to your website.

7. Earn backlinks:

To increase organic traffic outside of optimizations on your website, an excellent strategy is to get backlinks.

Backlinks are links to your website from other external sites and help boost your website’s trust and authority in your industry, increasing its ranking.

So how can you earn more backlinks? The best way to get them is by creating relevant content related to your industry.

Blogs are the best source of backlinks because:

8. Re-optimize old content:

The last strategy to increase organic traffic is to re-optimize old content. So, you need to re-optimize old content.

Over time the content may become out of date and it may not generate as much traffic to your website, because your competition has more up-to-date pages.

To increase organic traffic to these pages, start by re-optimizing them. So what does re-optimization entail?
It depends on the page. In some cases, just updating your information can help you increase organic traffic.

Your industry may change and the information on the page is no longer relevant, so you should update the content to reflect current standards.

Updates dates, statistics, outdated information, and page structure based on the user’s search intent. Also, your page may not be easily readable to your audience.

Rearrange the text into smaller paragraphs, add visuals to help break up the text, or use headings to make your pages easily readable.

Re-optimizing content helps it work better, so it can increase organic traffic to your website.

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