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Time Management Tips: 13 Tips for Effective Time Management

One of the fundamental conditions for the different dimensions of your life to develop and improve so that you can unleash your full potential is to maintain a well-defined and constant focus. If you have decided to face your limitations, be honest with yourself and work to improve those things that do not satisfy you, with which you are not satisfied; you need to organize a new lifestyle. Time Management Tips

This new lifestyle will be necessary to prevent you from backsliding, to prevent you from losing the progress you are making. With your new lifestyle, you will not repeat the mistakes of the past and you will ensure a more mature and attractive life in your own eyes and those of others. If your lifestyle is organized, that will be reflected in all the acts of your daily life and without a doubt, it will keep you more focused on the things you want to achieve. You will not waste energy or resources.

The path to a better version of ourselves is built from the inside out, every day, step by step. In order for you to take control of your life, you need to make an intelligent effort about the little things in your life, your routines, and also your way of thinking. This time I have drawn up a list of recommendations that have personally allowed me to keep the main dimensions of my life organized.

13 Tips for Effective Time Management:

Of course, this list is not definitive and it is not perfect. Some recommendations may be useful to you, but others will not be adjusted to the way in which you like – or it suits you – to handle certain things. At the end of the day, it’s about constantly adapting and adjusting the way we do things, making them more and more effective. It happens to all of us that we always have the feeling that we do not have time to do everything we want to do, we do not even have time for those things that we must do. Well, a bit of order in our routine. These are the tips that have served me:

1. Get used to using notes:

This will avoid the surprise of remembering that you had to do something and did not do it. Personally, I have used notepads, notebooks, sticky notes, and even computer programs to carry my notes. It doesn’t matter which method you choose, just make sure that you refer to it daily, at least two or three times a day. If you cannot detach yourself from your computer, your Smartphone or your Tablet there are numerous applications that you can use. If possible, take your notes with you everywhere.

2. Don’t trust your memory:

If you have not been convinced to use notes, or you find it uncomfortable to use them, think a little better about the benefits. When you keep notes, you do not have to think about where you will start your day, what you will do when you finish this or that or what it is that you had to do so urgently that you do not remember. Use a wall calendar or planner to keep your deadlines in mind. If you use notes, the worries will stay in your notebook, not in your head, which will make you less stressed and have more energy.

Time management Tips

3. Divide up your tasks:

Not all the things you have to do require the same level of effort, time, or commitment. I use many categories, but I recommend that you separate urgent tasks, necessary tasks and those that can wait. Don’t get overwhelmed by writing down each and every one of the things you want to do each day. Write down the five most important tasks for the next day to avoid starting the day wondering where to start. Do the most urgent first and then get on with your daily obligations.

4. Distinguish between what you are doing, what you are going to do and what you will do in the near future. If the previous classification (urgent, necessary and the rest) does not work for you, try this one.

“What you are doing (what you do daily)” are those things that you do very often, almost daily (that you cannot put off); and the urgent things that cannot wait. For example, going to the gym, checking your mail do your homework, doing your work reports, etc. In this category, you should also include what you want to improve in your life (for example, read about a topic of your interest or learn to speak in public). That change is a slow process that is built on a daily basis.

“What you are going to do (what you can leave for later)” with the things that are important but that you do not do on a daily basis or that are not urgent. They are your pending things, what you should do as soon as you have time.

“What you will do (optional)” are all the things you want to do but are not a priority. I recommend that you include your entertainment (video games, chat, movies, outings with your friends, etc.) only in this category. Likewise, here are the things that are unnecessary and that may take up your time. These are the things that can wait for the longest and that you hope to do when you have free time.

Thus, first, you focus on the things that you cannot stop doing on a daily basis, then on the things that you have pending and then on the remaining things. Here’re some inspiring time management quotes.

5. You can’t do everything at once, so focus on one thing at a time. Do not try to do multiple things at the same time, that will wear you out very quickly and it will take you longer to finish doing everything. If it is a partial task, finish the process and then move on to a different task. Time Management Tips

Different studies in psychology have shown that we really cannot do different tasks at the same time. What we do is change our focus of attention so fast that it seems that we do two things at the same time, but that is impossible. If you do not believe me and you think that you are a “multitasking” person, that is, that you can do several things at the same time, I challenge you to try to listen to two people at the same time. I assure you that you will not be able to fully understand both.

6. Avoid being distracted:

Try to avoid distractions such as music, television, radio, or the computer. As much as possible, try to be alone, then you will have time to socialize and have a little fun. Give your full attention to what you are doing. You will be surprised how quickly you will finish. There’re also many Benefits of spending time alone.

7. Update your notes as necessary, but I recommend that you do it at least once a day, before bed; so you leave your possessions on the desk and not in your dream. That will allow you to rest better. Personally, this helps me a lot because I don’t go to bed thinking about everything I will have to do as soon as I wake up, everything is already written!

8. Manage the times:

Try to put dates on everything you must do, when you must do it, and/or when you can do it. For example, if you must make a call, write down the ideal time to make it: After lunch, at the end of the day, or on your way to work or home. Over time you will learn to optimize your rhythm and you will begin to distinguish at what times of the day it is convenient for you to do certain things and not others. In a future opportunity, I will concentrate more on this point.

How to manage your time effectively

9. Limit the time you spend on each activity:

Sometimes it is necessary to put a limit on the things we do, even the most urgent or the most entertaining. If you’re going to see a movie, make it one. If you are going to have fun for a while with your video games or watching television or videos on YouTube, let it be for a fixed time, not very long.

In the same way, if you are studying, reading or doing something that requires a lot of mental or physical effort; try not to exceed two hours. Rest a little and resume. Some studies in psychology have found that people learn better and progress faster if they spend about 90 minutes in a demanding activity. If they go over that time, their performance starts to drop.

Try to be fair to yourself but don’t relax so much. Here’s How to Love yourself.

10. Leave time for any eventuality:

Do not design a very tight work rhythm. Consider delays and unforeseen events. It may take a little longer than planned to do some things. Your transportation may be delayed due to bad traffic. A call may be interrupted or you may have to stop what you are doing because something came out that you cannot postpone. Also consider the hours of sleep and the hours of the necessary activities, such as eating, moving around, cleaning yourself, etc.

In an approximate calculation, you will sleep 8 hours, you will spend 4 hours doing what is necessary and the rest you will have to study, work or use as free time. If you have to meet during office or class hours, consider this time as well. You will have much less time left to do what you want, so don’t waste it. Don’t try to sacrifice sleep either. When you don’t sleep well you may face many health problems. Time Management Tips

11. Group your activities:

Optimize your efforts. If you are going to use something, like the computer, make sure that when you finish using it you have done everything you need to do with it. If you are going to leave your house, you don’t have to do it again because you forgot something.

12. Everything is in its place:

Organize things in your room or your workplace. For a simple reason: you will know where to find them when you need them and you will not waste time looking for the keys, a CD, a book or the control of the television.

Spend some time organizing your place of work, study or rest. It will be more comfortable for you. Likewise, clear your desk after finishing your work. If you have to do a lot of things and you have a lot of papers, water bottles, magazines, coffee cups, journals, notes, coins, headphones, etc.; you will be less efficient and more confused with all the things you have to do. Time Management Tips

13. Experiment and be flexible:

If you notice that your method is not working, change your approach. Try new ways of doing things. Maybe it’s the schedule, the intensity, or the way you do something. Change little things and see if you get better or worse. In the comments section, you can talk about the methods you use and if they have worked for you or not, and why.

Some more tips are needed. But, for now, you can start with these recommendations and review which ones can help you. If you are interested in sharing some of your own recommendations, your comments are welcome. Or if you want me to explain a little better some of the recommendations, or to give you more examples, I will be attentive to your contributions.

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