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The Fear of Failure and Success in Life

It is the Fear of Failure that doesn’t let us get real-time Success in Life. Being afraid, for humans, I consider it to be the worst. Of course, such a statement does not require too many explanations, especially since each of us has experienced it from time to time inside, many times disguised as something else, accompanied by a handful of the most mysterious sensations. Said that way, it seems that fear is inherent in our own existence, but I join to believe that it is rather the result of our own experiences, which impressions of the senses integrated with memories, conceptions, and also beliefs.

Success in Life:

According to studies carried out in different areas, fear can be emotion as well as a feeling, even insurmountable for some people in certain circumstances and I think that this is the main reason that has motivated the legislative will, regardless of who holds it in the government structure of one or another country, for its express provision as causal for exempting criminal responsibility within the framework of the Law, determining its scope specifically in order to guarantee it’s just and indubitable recognition in the case.

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It is easy to understand that, as an anxiety emotion, fear is generated from something that can cause us harm, mainly physical or emotional. And therefore, it is difficult to control. In my opinion, it takes place as a kind of cause-effect reaction where one and the other, both can be real and a product of the imagination. I consider that it is the fear that in general, we express more easily since it is linked to a state that can go from the conscious to the unconscious. It becomes abruptly evident, which is beyond our control.

Fear of Failure:

Consequently, the fear that manifests itself as a “feeling of suspicion or concern about the occurrence of some adverse event” name more my attention; is that I think it is more manageable from our individuality. Which does not mean that it is easy to control and much less inconsequential for private life and in society, but that it is achievable, to a large extent. It depends on the reasoning of each one and therefore, of the ability and the will to overcome it. This is the fear of hopelessly linked to what we usually call failure.

Certainly, the apprehension or suspicion is already framed in the possibility of not achieving the desired or expected result in a certain sphere of life or in a particular matter. In other words, the FEAR OF FAILURE acquires such a suspicious aspect that, sometimes, to appear as our best ally, being in reality, the first, the most silent and deadly enemy of our possible success, becomes its masterful move. Thereby is what dressed insanity, good judgment, modesty, or humility it changes everything. It touches into insecurity, indecision, apparent incapacity, making us feel weak, inexperienced, insufficient for others.

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Undoubtedly, such opportunistic feeling is inextricably linked to the uncertain, to the unknown, to the new for us and also attacks in the worst of silences, that which we only manage to share with our own selves. Demanding strength and sufficient firmness to face it. Starting from identifying and developing those own resources that each and every one of us has and need to use to get out of the so often mentioned “comfort zone”; this on which we are so comfortable and relaxed that staying inert, immobile, becomes the best option.

About the Author:
This article is teamwork “The Fear of Failure and Success in Life”. It is written by “Flashes of Light” in Spanish and translated, re-adjusted by Rising Star.

Have you ever experienced the Fear of Failure before starting a new journey towards Success?

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