personal development goals
Growth is a continuous learning process of life. Personal and Professional Development are two closely related terms in the growth process of humans. To become professional in any field of life, we first need to work on personal growth. Albert Einstein once said that: if you continue to do things as you have always done them, you will get the same results. That is why if we want to achieve...
Personal Development is one of those topics in which almost all of us would like to improve, but that most of us leave for later. In the case of personal development, we say, I will do it when everything comes in flow, when I have more time, when I have a better job, after a happy relationship when my children grow up, And so on. Do these excuses sound familiar...
Set your Goals for the New Year 2021 in just five simple steps: At last, the most the dreadful year 2020 (COVID-19 Year) has been ended which strongly affected our lives, and now it’s 2021. It has greatly changed our living standards and living perspectives due to the pandemic. First of all, may this New Year 2021 be a blessing and good news for the entire humanity. Amen! However, goal...