how body language affects communication
In work teams where commitment, loyalty, and productivity are essential, especially leaders must have wide control over their body language in order to transmit the correct messages: we must not lose sight of the fact that each gesture can strengthen or diminish the impact of a verbal message. A leader with good body language representation positively impacts his personality. In short, one of the most important tool in business communication...
Body language is considered one of the major factors that directly affect our communication. We convey different massages through our gestures, postures, and body moments either consciously or sometimes unconsciously. If there is something we should learn from, more than listening, it is interpreting what you see when you meet a friend. Your conscious mind works every second, every thousandth of a second in receiving information from your friend focuses...
Have you thought that your posture makes you transparent? Stand or sit, but don’t hesitate. Zen proverb Stand naturally in front of the mirror. Do you see? The simplest posture of all, standing, already says a lot about yourself. Furthermore, it can indicate health problems and maybe they can even be corrected. Almost all of us tend to be slightly stooped, not naturally straight. Others exaggerate and are as stuffy...
Gesture and body language are part of our inheritance received through our ancestors, and therefore it is also part of our subconscious. Body language has been the subject of many studies and also the origin of many myths such as the one that says that 93% of communication is non-verbal. Although it has become popular because many people have read it and dedicated themselves to repeating it. The real study...
One of the most exciting areas of communication is nonverbal language (body language), the art of expressing yourself without speaking. That is why it is known that non-verbal language has been the object of much study and also the origin of many myths. However, the influence of body language on our social performance is indisputable, as well as being an excellent mirror of the real emotions of our interlocutors. Without...
Body language is of core importance in communication. The Body language is misleading. A person can say one thing and think something completely different, or consciously deceive the interlocutor with lies. It is considerably more difficult to fool someone with body language since much of the body language expressions happen unconsciously. In many people, the facial expression and general posture clearly reveal what they are feeling. It can easily be...