fail meaning

How to get out of Failure Depression

How to get out of Failure Depression

Failure is common in our daily lives and many people get depressed after failure and it is a common thing of our daily routines. We only need to know the way to get out of this depression as soon as possible. Every successful person in the world has faced many failures in their lives. But they never stopped and continued their efforts and no history will remember their names forever....

Fear of Failure and Fear of change

Fear of failure is also called “atychiphobia”. It is when we allow that fear to stop us from doing the things that can move us forward to achieve our life goals. Fear of failure can be due to many reasons. It may be part of another mood disorder, eating disorder, or anxiety disorder. You may also deal with atychiphobia (Fear of failure) at times throughout your life if you’re a...

What is Failure to thrive

What is Failure in Life

What is Failure in Life? Failure is the opposite of success. However, some successful people don’t consider that failure is the opposite of success. Rather they consider it a part of success. No success can be achieved without failure. Every success comes out of many failures and diversities. In fact, failure is a part of success. It gives you a lot of knowledge, life experiences, and lessons that you can...