Crown of Thorns

Flowers name list

20 Beautiful Flowers Name List with Pictures

In this article, we are going to discuss different types of flowers name list with beautiful Pictures. These flowers are Rose, Crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii), Petunia Flowers, Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis, and gladiolus flowers. These photo shots are taken at different times. Rose flowers name and meaning list are also linked below, so you can check different color Rose flowers with meaning by clicking the link. Flowers Name List with Pictures:-...

Crown of Thorns Flowers

Crown of Thorns, Euphorbia Milii, or Christ plant Flowers

The crown of thorns or Euphorbia milii, Christ thorn, or Christ plant, called “Corona de Cristo” in Latin America. Euphorbia milii is the scientific name of Crown of Thorns. Euphorbia milii is famous because of its natural beauty and small plant. Although it has no spreading fragrance yet it is famous everywhere and you will find it in almost every garden. In Thailand, it is said that the number of flowers on...

Crown of Thorns ‘Euphorbia Milii’ Photography

Crown of Thorns (euphorbia milii) is an incredible houseplant since it alters well to dry indoor conditions and room temperatures. It is also called Christ thorn, or Christ plant, or “Corona de Cristo” in Latin America. For the best consideration and results, place this succulent close to a window where it can get around three to four hours of daylight daily. Growing the Christ plant is easy because it adapts...