body language sitting at a table
In work teams where commitment, loyalty, and productivity are essential, especially leaders must have wide control over their body language in order to transmit the correct messages: we must not lose sight of the fact that each gesture can strengthen or diminish the impact of a verbal message. A leader with good body language representation positively impacts his personality. In short, one of the most important tool in business communication...
Have you thought that your posture makes you transparent? Stand or sit, but don’t hesitate. Zen proverb Stand naturally in front of the mirror. Do you see? The simplest posture of all, standing, already says a lot about yourself. Furthermore, it can indicate health problems and maybe they can even be corrected. Almost all of us tend to be slightly stooped, not naturally straight. Others exaggerate and are as stuffy...
Body language encompasses all the conscious and unconscious signals of the body that give information about the emotional state or the intentions of a person. Did you know that 55% of the message we want to convey is achieved through nonverbal gestures and postures? So, it is important that you recognize the signals that the body gives when starting a conversation to be able to discern when they tell you...