be the best you can be essay


Self efficacy: How much you Believe in Yourself

Self-efficacy is a concept introduced in 1977 by Albert Bandura, a Canadian psychologist and professor at Stanford University, recognized for his work on social learning theory. The ideas of self-efficacy, in addition to having generating sources, manage to activate a set of spaces to implement them, known as processes that are activated from the strength of beliefs. In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together...


12 Tips to be a Better Version of Yourself

Definitely, you want to be a better version of yourself: Who doesn’t want to be a better person? There are certain universal aspirations that we all hope to be better in our lives. Every one of us wants success, love, happiness, and prosperity in life. Most of us believe that if we could do things a little better, improve ourselves a little more, we would become better person capable of...