you make me lose my confidence


Build a Strong Personality with this Simple Exercise

Take a sheet of paper and write down the things that define who you are, the things you are not willing to compromise on, and the boundaries you would not allow yourself to cross if you had the willpower. Write down everything you would fully accomplish if you were that person you want to become. Build Strong Personality For example, if you value punctuality very much, make it a principle...

Low Self-Esteem

Low Self-esteem, Its Signs, and how to Improve it

What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is the set of beliefs, insights, assessments, and thoughts that we have about ourselves. It is the assessment that we make based on our experiences. Where low self-esteem means a lack of self-confidence and bad feelings about ourselves. Our self-esteem determines our behaviors, decisions, relationships, and feelings. Good self-esteem allows us to achieve our life goals and desires. Improve our performance and enjoy the results. So,...