areas to improve in life

self-development quotes

Personal and Professional Development: How To Achieve it

Growth is a continuous learning process of life. Personal and Professional Development are two closely related terms in the growth process of humans. To become professional in any field of life, we first need to work on personal growth. Albert Einstein once said that: if you continue to do things as you have always done them, you will get the same results. That is why if we want to achieve...

Fail your way to success

5 Surprising Things you Pass on your Way to Success

I start my blogging career in the mid of 2019 and I faced a lot of challenges during this time period. Success in a writing career was just a dream for me and I always faced fears of success and challenges which had strongly disturbed my concentration but I never give up on my dreams. Along my journey, there have been a lot of moments when my poor brain freaks...