Personality Traits

Openness to experience

Openness to Experience: Personality Trait I Value Most in My Life

What’s the trait you value most about yourself? Openness to experience In personality psychology, a study known as the Big Five Model is a pattern in the study of personality that examines behavior based on five broad elements of personality traits. each. Psychologists interested in individual personality differences are in favor of the Big Five theory. The Big Five model of personality traits, created by Raymond Cattell, aims to describe...


The Big Five Personality Traits Theory and Characteristics

What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you? In psychology, there are big five personality traits of an individual’s personality: openness, responsibility, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Although one of them usually predominates in each of us, we all have a little of all. It is based on the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality, which includes five broad dimensions or factors: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to...

Top 6 Qualities of Effective Leadership

Leadership is the art of leading an organization, a business, or a group of people. A leader is a person who leads the team and a person who knows a better way to lead a team. Today we’re going to elaborate on some effective leadership qualities. Teamwork, consideration, trust, honesty, personality, and fairness are some of the unique qualities of a true leader. Leaders believe in teamwork and prefer to...


Build a Strong Personality with this Simple Exercise

Take a sheet of paper and write down the things that define who you are, the things you are not willing to compromise on, and the boundaries you would not allow yourself to cross if you had the willpower. Write down everything you would fully accomplish if you were that person you want to become. Build Strong Personality For example, if you value punctuality very much, make it a principle...

Soft Skills

What are Soft Skills, their Importance and How they’re Developed

Soft skills, also known as common skills, are the skills that are desirable in personal and professional life. These are the attributes or characteristics of a person that allow him to interact with others effectively, which is generally focused to work, certain aspects of it, or even daily life. They are not just a particular ingredient, but they are the result of a combination of social skills, communication, way of...