
How to deal with negative people

10 Keys things to do when You’re Surrounded by Negative People

How to Deal with negative people in a positive way? The way we interact and connect with people has a lasting effect on our lives, whether this effect is positive or negative depends largely on the emotional energy with which we are surrounded. Each person adds something different to a relationship and the more positive the people we allow into our life, the more confidence and energy we will have...


How to Have Confidence in Yourself When Nobody Believes in You

You look around, and everyone seems to be happy just the way they are. They have confidence in themselves, they smile, and it seems that life could not be better for them. On the other hand, when you stand in front of the mirror, you do not see the same thing: there is only reflected a man or a woman who does not feel comfortable with who they are, who...

creativity quotes

Creativity: The Importance of Fostering Creativity in Children

Children possess immense creativity. However, a study has shown that between the ages of 5 and 15, a child’s creative ability drops by 86% (if nothing is done to remedy it). And it must be avoided. Because creativity is a key factor for that child to become an inventor, architect, writer, or entrepreneur i.e. everything he imagines becoming; everyone has the ability to be creative and use that creativity in...

why emotional intelligence is important in leadership

Why Emotional Intelligence is Important in Leadership

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: Today’s leaders face great challenges in their organizations. Professor Olga Canizares explains what they are and the needs they require. We are all aware that we live in a changing, challenging world with many uncertainties. The business environment echoes this complexity and is continually evolving. The society that we have built in this 21st century has been giving clear signals for some time of the great...


10 Health Benefits of Sex for Women

Do you know everything that satisfying sex life can bring you for better health? Along with fun and mental satisfaction sex also have health benefits for women. According to the WHO, sexuality is a central aspect of the human being. It covers sex, gender roles, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, reproduction, and sexual orientation. Thus, sex is important. It is a relevant dimension of the human being. Are you having enough sex?...