
how to achieve your goals

10 Simple Steps to Achieve your Personal Goals

Have you ever had a passion, a desire so great to achieve something important to you that you cannot stop thinking about it at any time? It is a thought that is there in your head and it does not go away whatever you do. Some call it “having a dream”, others “achieving a goal”, but whatever its name is, it is something we all want to achieve. However, why...


How to Manage Time Effectively and Avoid Procrastination

What is procrastination and How to Stop it? Sometimes, we tend to take too long tasks that we have to do. This tendency is called deferment or procrastination usually has unwanted consequences, and even reduces our well-being. We must bear in mind that it involves not doing the task, as well as the difficulties that it will represent having to do it with limited time if we delay it. We...


Build a Strong Personality with this Simple Exercise

Take a sheet of paper and write down the things that define who you are, the things you are not willing to compromise on, and the boundaries you would not allow yourself to cross if you had the willpower. Write down everything you would fully accomplish if you were that person you want to become. Build Strong Personality For example, if you value punctuality very much, make it a principle...


Self-compassion: Definition and Three Elements of Self Compassion

Self-compassion involves being sincere and understanding of ourselves when we suffer, or rejected, or feel inadequate, rather than ignoring our pain or flagellating (punishing) ourselves with self-criticism. When there is self-compassion we recognize that the human being is imperfect and thus, with all our defects, it will be inevitable to experience difficulties in life, so we must tend to be kind to ourselves when we face painful experiences, instead to...